Monday 23 March 2015

Reasons Why to Travel

Traveling is no just the best way to spend free time, to inspire yourself and get adventures but also a thing in which it is really worth to invest – as an integral part of the life experience
A journey is life and life is a journey. 
Travel guide offers several reasons why it would be worthwhile to travel around the world, for full article visit the site - 17 Reasons Why Travel is good for You 
Here I`ll introduce you with those which in my opinion are the most meaningful:
1.Learn who you are – Traveling with all the challenges and opportunities, let’s you discover who you are in a way that only the road brings.
2.It will create meaningful relationships – People you meet while on the road usually become some of the most valued ones in your address book, giving you points on the map to visit later on. These folks give you a glimpse outside your hometown circle of friends, forcing you into new and refreshing perspectives on things.
3.It will develop skills you didn’t know you had – The satisfaction you get when reaching the top of the mountain, or crossing a gorge, or helping a villager clean up after a storm, or simply getting what you wanted at restaurant in rural China, these things all allow access to skill sets you didn’t know you had.
4.For education – Seeing the world provides a source of education absolutely impossible get in school, teaching you things like economy, politics, history, geography and sociology. While not an accredited institution, the school of travel is currently taking applications.
5.The challenge – Getting your daily Starbucks not nearly interesting enough for you? How about finding an address in downtown Tokyo. Travel is full of moment of joy and challenges. Overcoming the challenges will give you some of the greatest joys of all.
6.To prove to yourself you can – If you’re the kind of person to dream big, and simply by reading this website you’ve proven that you are, you’re probably also the kind to reach for new challenges. Finishing a trip gives you the satisfaction that you were able to accomplish what you set out to do. And to give you energy to set up the next challenge too.
7.The cool stories – Don’t fancy yourself a storyteller? If anyone says “why travel” at a party, you’ll be able to outline why with any one of the many travel stories you’ll come home with. Even if they seemed trivial when they happened, nostalgia will create a epic spin around getting your laundry done in Zanzibar.

These are certainly not all the reasons why it would be worthwhile to travel, but certainly the most important, which shows that traveling can develop ourselves, make our horizons wider and understanding of the world and cultural diversity. Similarly, the experience and the stories can be useful for friends, relatives acquaintances who would like to travel.

By traveling we learn more than any other way. Sometimes a day spent in foreign country brings more than ten years of living at home.
 /Anatole France/

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